Community Empowerment

From April until October 2018, the Jiyan Foundation has conducted a series of six workshops on behalf of the GIZ, taking place in Dohuk (Kurdistan Region of Iraq). Participants are staff members from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DoSA/DoLSA) and from various Community Social Centers.

This website is a result of these workshops.

Community Empowerment is a method to strengthen and stabilize local communities. It is aimed especially at communities where typical means of social security – social networks that have developed over decades or governmental structures – are poorly developed or non-existent.

Community Empowerment has lasting strengthening effects on community leaders and social administrations’ staff alike. It provides them with education and training in staff management, moderation, team work, managing group dynamics and conflict solving.

Community Empowerment causes active participation, more resilience, and improved problem solving skills among staff members, strengthening functioning structures within the communities.